We're Doing This

Guess who's foot is finally good enough to walk up and down stairs? And to walk for long periods without pain or discomfort?

Yeah... it's me!

I'd hate to call this an upswing, but it is. I hate to say that it's seasonal, but it is. I would love to not assign this to anything other than the normal standard by which I can function, but it's not.

What I can say is that my life is about to flip and we're going to try to make it work for as long as we can.

A friend of ours apparently gave up sugars and "carbs" and all that junk. I guess he went pretty straight edge regarding food. No exercise, just cutting out huge chunks of his diet. Only eats leafy greens, protein, and dairy. In a year lost like 200lbs. To be fair, that kind of extreme is not something that is even remotely something I can be passionate about. Sure, losing the weight is a priority to me, but I am someone who still appreciates food. It's really just taking a hard look at what exactly I'm putting into my body, instead of cutting out massive chunks of the food groups.

My husband, though, has always struggled with motivation to do any kind of healthy changes and stick to them. But a health scare, as they do happen, made him want to stop drinking his sodas and start drinking only water. He's been doing it since January, I think. I guess he has set strict rules for himself on when he can have an occasional soda. To be fair, I guess it's a fair enough option for someone who was drinking sometimes six sodas a day (Pepsi Max). To have one once or twice a week is incredible.

So my husband is an all or nothing guy. Moderation just doesn't work for him. Get rid of all the snacks, not just portion control. So if I wanted to have a healthy snack in the house, he'd struggle with it being there and devour it. I, on the other hand, can be incredibly reserved with snacks that are in the house.

While we were reflecting on some of the bigger problems with our eating habits, we started actually seriously discussing removing a lot of the processed foods and sugars from what we decided to eat. I've always read labels, but I think I was looking more at calorie and fat content, without really looking at the ingredients. Two weeks ago my husband and I spent our shopping time reading labels. He was clearly committed to making these changes.

After menu planning and attempting to make some swap-outs (which I had already slowly started doing, apparently secretly at the house), we were ready for our first week.

Monday: Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Root Vegetables
Tuesday: Asian Lettuce Cups with Shrimp Spring Rolls (Brown Rice Paper)
Wednesday - Roasted Sausage with Tomatoes and White Beans

We have a standing splurge day, called Taco Bell Thursdays. Don't bust up on me for that. My husband and I actually went through the Best and Worst items list for Taco Bell so that we can still make healthy choices.

Then, on every other Friday, we have date night. Either myself or my husband plans a little meal and activity at home. We don't have a babysitting, so our date nights are usually at home playing a game, video game, or watching a movie. Lately we've been RPGing, but at least we're together.  So sometimes we get pizza or Buffalo Wild Wings. I am a sushi fanatic, so my Fridays are typically sushi or hibachi.

We've decided to keep those two days a week. But we have food for all the other days. I even organized breakfasts and lunches and "snack trays."

Breakfast - Eggs and Egg Whites with spinach, parm, and green peppers
Lunch - Homemade Asian Soup Jars and leftovers from the dinners or canned soup
Snacks - Fruit Tray (Various Fruits with a cream cheese and honey dip in a compartmentalized tray); Organic Tortilla Chips with Salsa

Progress from what we'd had in the house. I'm trying to phase out my daughter's bad breakfast habits. The sugary cereal and breakfast strueddels. This week I'm hoping to make her oat and banana muffins and maybe she'll like my egg muffins. Baby steps, though. That's the only thing we can do.

The week, though, was good and I feel relatively good. The "fast food" at the end of the week, though, did hit me harder than I planned. We'll have to see where that goes from here.

Onward and upward!


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