June 20th's Daily Intention and Reflections

Each day, I ask that my Guides be with me to help set an intention for the day. I then spend time reflecting on what it means for me (in the greater sense of my world) and what it means for me today. I use the Sweet-Ass Affirmations deck created by RageCreate.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Intention Request:

"I open myself to my guides and teachers. I ask them to help me set an intention for my day, coming through clearly and in a way I can understand using one of these cards. In light and love. In light and love only."

Today I added that I have been feeling muddled in my mind about changes to my life and especially after learning this morning that my foot injury has officially put the nail in the coffin for my exercise routine. 


What does this mean for you?

I am in a place right now when any one of these, or all three, are causing imbalance in my life. I think I've found my workout routine, my weight starts ballooning and my mind is off. Then I get a stress fracture in my foot, stopping my routine. But these are the messages to stop and reassess. Like when your Nav System has to recalculate. But I feel like I'm stuck in the recalculate mode. I want to be balanced enough to rejoin the world again, but the perceived balance never lasts long or is too fragile. So this card means that everything is operating as it should. Slow down and read the signs to move to the next phase. 

What does this mean for today?

I need to accept and get comfortable with the reality of my stress fracture, my swollen knee, and my sensitive back. Certain exercises are not in my future for weight loss. So let's take the time to evaluate and regroup for success. What IS working right and how can it support us where we are the most frustrated?

TODAY I am grateful for. . .

1. My ability to pivot when things in my world suck and need to readjust.

2. The rain to drive away the loud lawn men and provide me with a peaceful morning.

3. Being able to remember my loved ones in the best way for myself.  

My Goal to LIVE FIT today is. . .

Reevaluate how I will be working towards my goals and set new expectations. Keep up the 18:6! 

My Workout Goal is. . .

Do Morning Yoga and Bedtime Yoga.  Make an attempt at adding in a Chair Yoga routine instead of the treadmill. Try to keep meeting the 2 miles/5K steps daily goal. (Yes, your foot hurts, but movement is key.)


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