June 8th's Daily Intentions and Reflections

Each day, I ask that my Guides be with me to help set an intention for the day. I then spend time reflecting on what it means for me (in the greater sense of my world) and what it means for me today. I use the Sweet-Ass Affirmations deck created by RageCreate.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Intention Request:

"I open myself to my guides and teachers. I ask them to help me set an intention for my day, coming through clearly and in a way I can understand using these cards. In light and love. In light and love only."

Today's shuffle and draw ended up being THREE cards. As I went to do a final deck split, three cards spilled out, aligned together, between the two deck halves. I sat with it for a moment to ensure that was the intention and it felt right, but felt overwhelming to received three. After looking at them, I engaged with my Guides and Teachers about aspiring to set an intention with one card, as two and three can feel overwhelming, trying to process the similar, yet different messages and applying them to the day.  The three cards I drew are below.


What does this mean for you?

When I first read the intention, it clicked with my anxiety experience and how it so often panders to the unknown. It can create illusions that can be so physical and false, they stop me from living my life. I need to find balance between my bravery and my fear, but I have to remember not to let fear stop me from moving forward with who I am and who I want to be. The concerns about others, even if those people seek to harm me, have to be put into perspective, but now allowed to dominate and spiral my thoughts into debilitation.  

What does this mean for today?

I woke up this morning and couldn't see past the illusions fear (anxiety) had created for me. Even as I went through the motions of a stressless day, my mind kept spinning illusions, even trying to distort my plans for the day. So this was a reminder from my Guides and Teachers that this is happening (anxiety brainwashing) and I need to push through to the other side of the illusion.


What does this mean for you?

There are things in my way that are stopping me from getting to where I need to go. I connect this to the previous one - my anxieties are creating a bubble that is stopping me from going for the gold. But I need to pop that bubble or even bubbleS, to reach my full potential. As I said earlier, I have to push through to the other side of the illusion, or here... the other side of the bubble. It feels like No-Face in Spirited Away, when he gets bigger and bigger and bigger and while he doesn't pop, he has to get rid of all the falsities in himself to finally access the kindness within. 

What does this mean for today?

Just as with identifying the illusions put in front of me, I feel empowered to keep doing what I want to do today, despite the illusions and bubbles that will try as hard as they can to make me stumble and fall and be the least me possible. Get Out Da Way, as they say. 


What does this mean for you?

To carry the thread all the way through, this affirms the need to put myself forward and don't look back. Be the person I most want to be and all that other shit be damned. But I've got to let go of the fears, the past, and the anxieties. I'm in a position to reinvent myself with nothing but myself holding me back. So let's put all that in the trash and walk out with my preferred strut into the great big world.

What does this mean for today?

When I go to my Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring screening today, let my Geek Flag fly high and proud. Have no fears. Just put faith in your authentic self!  

TODAY I am grateful for. . .

1. The Tom Holland Lip-Sync Battle video that will forever put a smile on my face and happiness in my heart.

2. A light summer rain with an overcast morning and a slight breeze.

3. Headbutts from my Kitty-Kitty Katsu. 

My Goal to LIVE FIT today is. . .

I have some no-fit related activities today (spend over 3 hours in a movie theater with popcorn), but I'm going to strive to maintain my 1PM fast and not overly succumb to foods that don't promote overall health.

My Workout Goal is. . .

Go on a 15 minute treadmill walk. Morning Yoga and Bedtime Yoga. 



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