June 7th's Daily Intention and Reflection

  Each day, I ask that my Guides be with me to help set an intention for the day. I then spend time reflecting on what it means for me (in the greater sense of my world) and what it means for me today. I use the Sweet-Ass Affirmations deck created by RageCreate.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Intention Request:

"I open myself to my guides and teachers. I ask them to help me set an intention for my day, coming through clearly and in a way I can understand using these cards. In light and love. In light and love only."

Today's shuffle and draw ended up being two cards. As I shuffled, a card fell out, which says to me it's meant to be. But another card was practically attached to it. That is what is drawn below.


What does this mean for you?

I feel this card is accessing the idea that we are in control of the happiness in our world. Not just binging on happy activities and dopamine/endorphin doping. But that over time, you can start to feel a balanced and consistent level of happiness. For some, it's an easy switch to flip. For others, they may be wading through the Swamp of Sadness just to get to where they can see the faint sparkle of hope. For me, I have reached the solid ground that I'll tread closer to the light on, but there are taps and pitfalls along the way. But the more I build my happiness reserve and allow it to come forward in times of trouble, I can more easily make it through. As someone with a damaged past and so much negativity swirling around me on a regular basis, happiness is not my easiest touchstone, because I frequently am too busy punishing myself for not being good enough. But.... My Happiness Muscle will Kool-Aid through that wall!

What does this mean for today?

Already today was trying to eat me alive with negative thinking, negative interactions, and negative realizations. I fought hard to stay in the light and I feel like this card helped validate what I have been through already and emboldened me for what is to come today. Flex the muscle. Punch through that wall. 


What does this mean for you?

I have a lot of asteroids in my space. Some are small, burning up into nothing as they enter the atmosphere. Others are much larger, probably about to take out the dinosaurs. The point is, I need to let the little ones pass by. Currently, in my space, all the asteroids present as roughly the same size and intensity, when in reality they just aren't. And without the right perspective, I can't reach happiness and my goals, because I'm stuck dancing with the trivial space detritus. I need to refocus on my happiness and goals and let the "little" things whiff by on their descent into self-destruction.

What does this mean for today?

Already today I have had numerous little asteroids attack my space. It was a hard tango to maneuver, but I made it through... sort of. I need to focus on my happiness and flip off all the things that fly at me. Focus on your happy goal and task and stop giving a flippity-flip about the pebbles coming at you! Slice them with your lightsaber and be victorious! 

TODAY I am grateful for. . .

1. My yoga app that has great routines that are manageable and adjustable for my body type.

2. My ocean view free from human drama - I love Utopia Village.

3. Whisker kisses  from my sweet boy, Logan.

My Goal to LIVE FIT today is. . .

Stick to my food plan strategies. Keeping working towards a natural fitness routine that feels right for me.

My Workout Goal is. . .

Go on a 15 minute treadmill walk. Morning Yoga and Bedtime Yoga. Meet my hourly step goal.


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