June 11th's Daily Intention and Reflection

 Each day, I ask that my Guides be with me to help set an intention for the day. I then spend time reflecting on what it means for me (in the greater sense of my world) and what it means for me today. I use the Sweet-Ass Affirmations deck created by RageCreate.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Intention Request:

"I open myself to my guides and teachers. I ask them to help me set an intention for my day, coming through clearly and in a way I can understand using one of these cards. In light and love. In light and love only."


What does this mean for you?

For so long I have worked on finding what happiness means to me. As a people-pleaser, I always was keen on learning what made others happy. Then sometimes I'd learn these things make me happy, too. The deeper question that needed to be answered, though, was "what lights my soul on fire?!" That fire is what brings happiness, freedom, and purpose to my life. I just don't know what that is yet, but I think I'm taking steps in a direction that will show me the fire and inevitably lead me out of the darkness of the cave I've been stuck in. And according to this card, if I'm at least taking the steps, I am making gaines verses doing nothing and being lost in the dark. The journey from one life point to another is what makes finding that point meaningful and propels us on to the next. Just keep swimming.

What does this mean for today?

The last several days have been me trying to be the most ME possible. But here, I feel like this is a reminder to slow down and take time to do my class and read. Just because I have things to do, doesn't mean I should neglect the "slower" activities. Just because I have a movie tonight, doesn't meant I should neglect my other hobbies and learning.  

TODAY I am grateful for. . .

1. Tylenol tackling the sharp pains from my back that I woke up with.

2. Finding an easy parking spot when dropping my daughter off for summer school that also allowed me to play my Pokemon-GO, while the bulk of the busy traffic subsided. 

3. Continuing to be able to pivot, without using the obstacle as a way to get out of achieving my tasks. 

My Goal to LIVE FIT today is. . .

To stay on target for moving my body and try not to snack too much.

My Workout Goal is. . .

Go on a 15 minute treadmill walk. Morning Yoga and Bedtime Yoga. 


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